Over 300+ Weight Watcher Recipes

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Cooking Tips :
What You Can Learn About Meal Preparation

It is much easier to order take-out than it is to cook. After all, you get to sit and wait and there's no clean-up afterwards. But when you do the cooking yourself you have more control over the ingredients and it tastes better because it comes from your heart. Here are a few cooking tips to make you put the phonebook down and take out the pots.

To prevent your homemade pizza from becoming soggy with all of the juicy toppings you add, lightly coat the bare dough with olive oil. Pizza sauce, peppers and meats can all weigh down a pizza dough and cause it to be soggy even after baking so be sure to brush on a bit of olive oil for a crispier, firmer pizza!

A pie crust should be baked a little bit longer than you would think. The color should be a darker caramel instead of the pale blond so many people do. The darker color results when the sugar from the crust has started to caramelize and will have a much sweeter and crisper flavor.

Understand that the smaller the item, the higher temperature that you are going to need to cook at. This will help to maximize the way that your food tastes during the meal. Cook your smaller foods at very high temperatures and larger foods at lower temperatures for the best results.

An electric mixer is a blessing when you have to make your dough, but even this relatively easy task can turn into a nightmare when the dough sticks to the dough hook. To avoid the sticky mess, spray the hook with vegetable cooking spray and your dough will never stick to your mixer again.

Always use the freshest ingredients you can find for your cooking. Fruit, vegetables, meat and seafood all taste better when they are fresh. Besides better taste, fresh ingredients are usually healthier than pre-packaged, canned or frozen ones. Fresh foods have superior nutritional content and lack the unhealthy additives found in packaged foods.

Whenever possible, avoid canned ingredients in your cooking. They have numerous disadvantages. Canned food has lost vital nutrients that you want in order to cook the healthiest possible meals. They also taste different - if not downright worse - than fresh ingredients, potentially ruining your recipes. Finally, canned foods have unhealthy additives - especially extra sodium - that you do not need in your food.

When you are going to the store, do not always have a large shopping list which can restrain you to just getting certain items. See what you like and what you are in the mood for and purchase based on that. This will give you the spontaneity to cook whatever you choose.

Trying to cook with little children running around under your feet? Give them something to do. Any small and simple task will make them feel like they are helping with the meal, and it will keep them out of trouble for a little while as you try to finish up the dish that you are working so hard on.

Remove the excess moisture of ground meats by blotting them before you cook. You should always blot up extra moisture before cooking ground meat. If the meat has moisture when cooked, the heat will release it as steam. Instead, it can sizzle away. The meat, which is suppose to sear, may steam instead.

Put vegetables in cold water after you blanch them. Blanching - also known as boiling - a vegetable can be a tasty way to prepare them. Unfortunately, it can quite literally "blanch" your veggies. While this is only an aesthetic problem, it can be easily avoided. By putting the vegetables in cold water after blanching, they will retain their green color.

When cooking anything in a pan it's ideal to add a little bit of oil to the pan, even with non-stick pans. Oil is a great conductor of heat and thus eases the object into heating up without burning the external portions. It helps the dispersion of heat across the entire object, rather than having the exterior burnt while the interior remains frozen or cold.

If you are making a recipe that contains pasta in a sauce, avoid it being too soggy by cooking the pasta few minutes less in water. Finish cooking it with the sauce. It will be the perfect consistency and not be the mushy starchy mess we all hate when eating pasta!

Learn to enjoy brussels sprouts. Not many people enjoy brussels sprouts if they are cooked in the traditional manner of boiling them. Sprouts can be delicious if you try different methods of cooking, such as roasting them with carrots and parsnips for a delicious side dish. They are delicious if pan-fried with bacon. These cooking methods give them a nutty flavor. Always choose small brussels sprouts, as the larger ones tend to be very bitter.

A great cooking tip is to consider staying away from store bought seasonings. This is especially important because not only can they be extremely expensive but they might also contain large amounts of sodium which is never good for your health. Consider making your own spices or adding different foods to give your food a great taste.

Add a roll of sausage to your cabbage for a particularly tasty meal. Cut up a cabbage into bite sized pieces, cover with water, and put it on the stove to boil. While your cabbage is boiling brown some sausage in a skillet. Drain off the excess grease then pour the sausage into your cabbage. Cook until the cabbage is tender.

One of the first steps in becoming a better cook is to better understand cooking in general. The best way to do this is to simply think about your meals every time you eat in a restaurant. When you eat something you find tasty in a restaurant, think about why it tastes so good.

Cooking your own meals can be a great experience. Use these tips to get your kitchen buzzing and rediscover how gratifying it can be to eat a meal that you prepared with your own two hands in your kitchen. You know what? Your meal probably tastes better than any take-out you can get.

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