Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes
Total Time30 minutes
Yield4 servings
- 1/2 cup vegetable oil, or more, as needed
- 1 cup buttermilk
- 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup cornstarch
- 1 large egg
- 1 tablespoon hot sauce
- Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
- 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch chunks
- 1 cup Panko*
Cooking Tips :
Making Cooking Fun With Excellent Expert Advice
However, cooking is a skill that is very helpful to know. Cooking produces meals that are cheaper and healthier than the alternatives, and it can be fun, too!
Keep a few pointers in mind if you plan to attempt cooking with skewers. When using metal skewers, opt for those that are square-shaped or twisted; these will hold onto food better than round models can.
When deep frying foods, hold the food below the oil with the tongs for a few seconds. Holding the food under the oil for around five seconds will create a useful seal around the food. This seal will work to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
Cheese is one of the best things that you can add to pastas and different types of meats. If you are making pasta, do not forget to buy grated cheese and put it on the table for people to add to their dish. This will improve the quality and texture of the meal.
Have you ever felt sorry for throwing away moldy fruits? Can you save the rest of the fruit if you cut away the moldy, rotten part? In truth, half-rotten fruit cannot be salvaged in any safe manner. Get rid of them quickly, as mold can develop and cause health problems.
Save your butter and margarine wrappers to use when baking. The wax paper that butter and margarine is wrapped in just happens to be the perfect size for greasing pans or rubbing onto a potato before popping it in the oven for baking. Save wrappers butter-side to butter-side in a closed storage container, so it stays fresh for your baking needs.
If you are looking to save time for cooking dinners because of your busy schedule, being prepared beforehand can make all the difference. Having ingredients already prepared and measured out to be cooked, as well as having the meat thawed out can save you valuable time when it comes to making dinner for the family.
Before frying raw potatoes, let them sit in cold water for at least a half an hour. By doing this, the fries will be more crispy. Also, letting them sit in cold water will cut down on the time it takes for them to cook thoroughly.
When you have taken enough celery off the stalk for your recipe, place the rest of it in aluminum foil and then place it in the refrigerator. The celery will stay fresh for at least a week by following this method and it will still have the same taste as when it was first bought.
If you and your significant other love cooking, then consider taking a cooking class for couples! Couples cooking classes can help you explore new cuisines, enjoy each other's company and also learn more about working together in the kitchen. A well-kept secret is that the guys enjoy these classes as much as the ladies "
and it often leads to the fellows taking a greater role in cooking at home.
Before preparing any sort of dish, you must ensure that your utensils are clean. Any residual food matter missed during washing can spoil the dish you intend to cook. This is especially bad when bacteria is remaining on the utensil.
A great help for achieving your best baking results is to bring your butter and eggs to room temperature before use. By allowing these ingredients to lose their chill, you allow heat from cooking to activate the oils and fats within them at the right time as opposed to waiting for them to achieve the right temperature while cooking.
If you like to bake for the holidays and give home-baked gifts from the kitchen, consider packaging your goodies in any of the readily available, multiple-use plastic storage containers instead of holiday print metal tins. The recipient of your tasty treats will not only love their cookies, but will also love the very re-useable container your baked goods came in. Fancy tins are pretty, but often get tossed away because they are rarely air-tight and tend to rust after washing.
In order to ensure your meats are being cooked properly, you should make use of a meat thermometer. All kinds of meat have a minimum internal temperature that is recommended for safe consumption. Bacteria flourish on the meats, so you need to make sure the meet is cooked properly and thoroughly so the bacteria don't stay on the meat and cause sickness if you were to consume the meat.
Take the time to educate yourself about ingredients that you are not familiar with. When you've done some research, you might be surprised to learn how versatile a particular new food is. By educating yourself prior to beginning anything in the kitchen, it will make your experience in the kitchen more fun and exciting.
To avoid wasting chipotle peppers when you need only a couple from a can, puree the remaining peppers and adobo in a blender or food processor, then transfer the puree to an ice cube tray lined with plastic wrap and place it in the freezer. When the puree is frozen, move the cubes to a freezer bag. You can use the chipotle cubes in soups, sauces, taco meat and more.
To reduce prep time as well as wear and tear on your blender, freeze your smoothie fruit instead of using ice. Not only does using ice water down the flavor of your smoothie, but if you freeze your fruit first the step is entirely unnecessary. As an added bonus, frozen fruit blends much easier than ice.
If you know that you are going to have a busy day the next day, you may want to prepare some of the ingredients for the dish you will be preparing ahead of time. Put together a lasagna that you can refrigerate or freeze, or chop some vegetables for stir frying, and you shave precious time off of a stressful day and still put a tasty warm meal on the table for your family.
Cooking is all practice. With these tips in hand, you're ready to get on the road toward being a better cook, and reducing your dependence on expensive and unhealthy pre-made food. Don't keep eating out- apply what this article has taught you and soon you'll be making your own delicious meals and saving tons of money!
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