Here are 40
distinctive varieties from around the globe — from iconic NYC “dirty water
dogs” to fully loaded South American street-cart dogs to Japanese octo-dogs.
There is a tubesteak out there for every craving that ever was.
[For more hot
dog ideas, check out our video series, the Food Republic Hot Dog Condiment
Challenge, on YouTube]
Cooking Tips :
The Best Culinary Advice Anyone Will EVer Give You
Whether you can prepare Beef Wellington that could knock the socks off of a queen or you are one of the unlucky few who can barely boil water, you can benefit from the tips outlined here. Use this guide to take your cooking to a whole new level of excellence.
In order to make the process of cooking easier, you should take to time to make large amounts of meat or vegetable stock and store it in the freezer. Not only is making your own stock less expensive than buying it from a retailer, but it makes it easy to keep a large supply on hand. Simply freeze the stock in small and clearly labeled portions and then take out what you need when you need it!
Make soup stock in large quantities. Soup stock can be used in many different recipes. If you make a large portion of it once, it is easy to store for later use. Just put it in baggies that can be sealed. Put it in the freezer and thaw it out when you need to use it.
If you are following a recipe, make sure that you do not follow this religiously, as you should always add a personal spice to your meal. Instead of following a pizza recipe to the tee, add some red pepper to inject a punch into your dish to make it unique and individualized.
To cook healthier, try replacing highly refined goods with whole-grain alternatives when you bake. Enriched white flour and other such refined grain products are low in nutritional value. Even replacing a fraction of them with natural whole-grain products will improve the healthiness of the finished dish. Consult packaging directions for specific replacements; whole-grain products do not always replace refined ones at a 1:1 ratio.
Brownies made for a bake sale are much more enticing when potential buyers can see what goodies are in them. To accomplish this task, when the pan of brownies has about eight minutes left of baking time, remove the pan from the oven, cover the top with a layer of miniature marshmallows and then sprinkle chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, nuts, caramel chunks and anything else you like to add to your brownies on top of the marshmallows. Put the pan back into the oven for the final few minutes of baking to allow the marshmallows to soften and toast and give time for the chips to melt. When the pan comes out, you will have an irresistible pan of brownies that look as good as they taste.
When sautéing vegetables using Pomace olive oil is a great substitute for butter that should be used. The Pomace olive oil is very affordable and will give vegetables a mild flavor that is quite delicious. You can purchase the Pomace olive oil at any Middle Eastern grocery store. It is low in carbs and in price which makes it extremely appealing.
Before purchasing items to prepare any type of dish, it is important that you read the labels of the item. Many common cooking ingredients include substances that may not be very healthy. Make sure the food does not have a lot of salt or sugar, these can both be harmful to your health.
By doing this, you will find that you will have fresh fruit for a much longer time. Also, you'll have certain fruits on hand that can't be grown during certain periods of the year.
In addition to staples, condiments and seasonings, keep your kitchen stocked with healthy convenient foods and quick-fix items. A no-stress kitchen should include eggs and dairy, fruits, vegetables, breads, baking products, canned and bottled items, grains, refrigerated and freezer items, and condiments. When you run out of a product, don't forget to make a note of it, so you won't be caught out if you need it in the future.
When you are making mashed potatoes, you need to be extra careful and make sure not to whip them for too long. While it might seem that mixing them for longer would make them smoother, it actually has an opposite effect. Doing so actually makes them come out gummy in texture.
Oil added to a pan while sauteing needs to be fully heated before it is absorbed by your ingredients. Slowly pouring the oil along the edge just inside the pan will ensure it is the correct temperature by the time it reaches your ingredients.
When chopping fresh herbs, try sprinkling a bit of salt over the cutting board before you begin. It will not only add flavor to the herbs but it will also keep them in place while they are being chopped. Do not add too much salt to your dish. Applying salt to the board will allow the herbs to stick better and give the meat a bit more flavor.
Store your home-baked goodies and leftovers that need refrigeration in square or rectangular-shaped storage containers. Round containers are great, but take up precious refrigerator space while square and rectangular containers make the most of the limited shelf space. Rectangular storage containers also are easier to stack and store and save on space in your cupboards too.
When it comes to cooking, be sure that you never leave anything unattended. This is important for the safety of you and everybody around you and deals with oven cooking, to stove top, to cooking on the grill. Grease can flame up easily and can cause a traumatic fire.
Always keep a variety of canned goods in your pantry. Canned corn, both creamed and whole kernel, is a particularly tasty dish by itself. So too are green beans. All you have to do is drain the water, add a bit of butter, and you have a side dish on the table in less time that it would take you to cook a TV dinner.
Now that you are armed with the cooking know-how to wow your family, friends and guests, you are prepared to make some knock-out dishes. Enjoy your time in the kitchen, and use the tips in this article to guide you towards the very best in fine dining and everyday cooking.
Tips For Great Cajun Flavors And Dishes
For most people, cooking is nothing more than a daily chore they have to take care of. However, cooking can be rewarding and enjoyable. Good cooking can also improve health. Good cooks always attempt to find out as much as they can about their hobby or profession. The ideas presented in this article can help you to learn more about cooking.
For those dishes that have longer cooking times, you will want to add your spices and herbs about an hour or so before eating. If these spices are cooked too long, then the resulting flavors may be too strong. In addition, it's best to keep it simple by not using any more than three herbs or spices in any dish.
Understand that the smaller the item, the higher temperature that you are going to need to cook at. This will help to maximize the way that your food tastes during the meal. Cook your smaller foods at very high temperatures and larger foods at lower temperatures for the best results.
You should not boil pasta in water that has oil in it. When you add oil to the water that you are boiling your pasta in it keeps the sauce from sticking to the pasta. By leaving the oil out you can toss your pasta in the sauce and it will cling to it.
When cooking with oil, add it not to the bottom but to the pan's sides. This will allow the oil to heat up as it works its way down to the center. The already heated oil will do a much better job at cooking and flavoring your food.
One of the things that you will need to realize when you are making meats or fish is that you need to spread your seasoning evenly. Adding too much seasoning in one area of your food can reduce the flavor or lead to a tangy taste that will reduce the quality of your meal.
Cook your chicken over other ingredients. If you are making a chicken dish that includes an ingredient like onions, cook the chicken over them. Oil the pan and cut the onion into slices. Put them in the pan and place the chicken over them. The juices from the chicken will soak into the onion.
Always bring your steaks to room temperature before cooking them. A steak that is still cold in the center will not cook as evenly as one that is brought up to room temperature. Usually taking them out one hour in advance will get them to the proper temperature at cooking time.
One important tip to remember when cooking dishes focuses on the size of the dish being prepared. The smaller the dish is that you are cooking, the higher the baking temperature and less time needed to cook the dish. Smaller dishes generally take only a few minutes at high temperatures to fully cook.
When cooking with raw meat or eggs, it is very important that you keep your hands and cooking station very sanitary. This is because the raw form of these materials can spread illnesses, such as salmonella, to you. If you do contract an illness, you will be very sick and won't be cooking for a while!
Stop guessing on the taste of your meatballs and loafs. Take your mixture of meat and seasonings and fry up a small hamburger so you can get a taste of how your meatloaf or meatballs will turn out. This way you can add more seasonings or tone them down by adding more meat.
Prepare as much of the food as you can the night before. The cooking process will go much smoother when you can concentrate on the more difficult parts of cooking instead of worrying about the mundane tasks. Many dressings and vegetables, for example, will stay in the refrigerator quite well.
Placing eggs in water can let you know if they are fresh. Eggs that lie on the bottom, on their side will be fresh. Eggs that stand upright in the bottom are losing freshness and should be used promptly within a day or two. Eggs that float on top of the water should be discarded immediately. Always check eggs for freshness before using.
Get all your prep work done the night before you plan to cook a big meal. Getting the most time-consuming part out of the way helps alleviate stress during the actual meal preparation. In addition, your family or friends are sure to be impressed with the speed with which you whip up a culinary masterpiece!
When you are seasoning meat and fish, make sure you season it evenly. You should always sprinkle the herbs and spices. This will ensure that they do not clump in one area. You want your meat and fish to taste the very same from the first to last bite.
When it comes to cooking, consider making a smoothie for your meal. When made properly, this may contain all of the nutrients that you need for a meal. This is a quick way to get everything that you need in a full meal. Be sure to stay away from ingredients high in sugar.
To avoid wasting chipotle peppers when you need only a couple from a can, puree the remaining peppers and adobo in a blender or food processor, then transfer the puree to an ice cube tray lined with plastic wrap and place it in the freezer. When the puree is frozen, move the cubes to a freezer bag. You can use the chipotle cubes in soups, sauces, taco meat and more.
To keep your spices and herbs at their freshest, do not store them above your stove. The steam and heat can alter and weaken their flavors and textures, and may even cause clumping. Try to find a dry, cool place such as a drawer or pantry for storing these items.
As was stated earlier, part of being a good cook means constantly learning new things. The best part about cooking is not simply meal preparation, but learning about all the kinds of foods, ingredients and techniques. In addition, it's about sharing your knowledge with others. Cooking is a community gift; share it with loved ones.
You Don't Have To Be A Chef To Cook Like One
If you're looking for new ways to improve your cooking, but aren't sure how -- then look no further. This article is designed to help you learn how to improve on your cooking skills with plenty of tips that can be applied towards your cooking. Take a look and see what knowledge you can obtain that can help you become a better cook.
Learn to use your hands when cooking (after washing them thoroughly first of course!). Hands are the most sensitive yet versatile cooking utensil you will own. They can be used for mixing, measuring and testing whether a product is cooked enough. A cake, for example, will show that it is done by springing back when touched lightly with a finger on its top.
To improve your level of convenience in the kitchen, one of the things that you can do is to freeze the excess sauces that you create, in ice cube trays. This will allow you to reheat them when you need sauce again and also to save money on the excess sauce that you kept.
Let roasts rest before carving to allow the juices time to retract from the surface of the meat. Slicing beef, pork, poultry or lamb immediately after roasting lets most of the juice run out of the meat which makes it drier and less flavorful. Giving the meat time to rest prevents the loss of the juices.
Frozen vegetables should only be used as a last resort in home cooking. Though they are cheap and usually available year-round, they fall far short of fresh vegetables in several important areas. Frozen vegetables have lost some of their healthy vitamins and nutrients. They often have unhealthy food additives. They also tend to taste worse than their fresh counterparts.
Quickly cooking vegetables makes them crispier and more nutrient-filled. With slower cook times, the overall value of the vegetables is decreased, mainly taste and nutrition. These speed-cooking techniques usually produce vegetables that are more nutritious overall. Learning to give them just a quick steam is the best way to cook them.
One fun part of learning to cook is showing off your new-found skills. If you are cooking for someone special, though, leave the experimentation for another day. Do not try new recipes or new ingredients (or, worse, both at the same time) when you are cooking a meal for someone you really want to impress.
You need to remember to poke holes in a pie crust before you put it into the oven. A pie crust made from scratch can be very delicious, but if tiny holes are not poked with a fork, it will cause the crust to bubble in places which can make it difficult to fill with yummy ingredients.
By doing this, a year-round supply of fresh fruit can be maintained. This also gives you access to seasonal fruits that might otherwise not be available at the time you want them.
When cooking around small children, safety is imperative. Get in the habit, even when children are not around, that you keep knives, breakable dishes and other objects that could fall and injure a young child, well back on the table or counter. You might just prevent a child from being seriously injured because of sheer carelessness, on the part of the cook.
Whenever you make stock for soups or stews, make it in large quantities, and freeze the extra. That way, the next time you want to whip up a quick soup or stew, the most time-consuming part is already done. You just have to pull a bag from the freezer for a quick and delicious meal.
In order to become a good cook, you should learn to use simple measuring devices. It is very important to know how to get the right quantities because many tried and true recipes require very specific amounts of this and that. Learn to measure and you'll be licking your chops in no time!
It sounds kind of funny, but to be a better cook, one should make sure they have a large enough kitchen. Some kitchens, simply put, are not large enough to accommodate a good cook. The more space you have, the more free you'll feel. The more free, then the less confined, cluttered, and un-inventive you will feel.
Keep a food thermometer around. It is always best to stick your meat when cooking when you are not sure if it is done for food safety. Poultry should be cooked to 165 degrees F, Ground Beef, Fish, and Shellfish to 158 F, and Pork to 150.
Care for your wood cutting board properly. A cutting board made from wood can crack and warp if it is exposed to excessive moisture, heat and dryness. You should not ever leave your board submerged in water, rather apply a wet sponge to clean it. To restore a damaged board, oil it on a regular basis, using a product specifically designed for wood cutting boards. Make sure it is completely dry before you use it.
When it comes to cooking, you may wish to consider buying an expensive knife set. While it may seem like a lot of money for knives at first, you will be extremely happy with how they work and cause you to want to cook more often that you currently do.
Keep it familiar when you are having guests. Cooking can quickly go from fun to entertainment disaster when you try too many complicated things at the same time. A good rule of thumb successful cooks follow is to never-mix a new ingredient and new recipe in the same meal.
Now that you have more information you can use towards becoming a better cook, you should start feeling more confident in your cooking skills. Just try and keep in mind that this information is only going to help you if you actually apply it, so try and digest everything that you've learned from this article so you can apply it towards your cooking skills.
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