6 boneless skinless chicken breasts, about 4 lbs
8 ounces frozen spinach, thawed and squeezed dry of liquid
2/3 C part skim ricotta cheese
1/4 C freshly grated parmesan cheese, divided
8 ounces mozzarella cheese, shredded and divided
1 egg
2 large cloves of garlic, finely minced (I use a microplane)
1/2 C italian seasoned bread crumbs
2 eggs, beaten with a dash of milk
1 C marinara sauce
salt and pepper
Directions :
Cooking Tips :
Tested Advice For Cooking Delicious Meals Without Gluten
Even if you have little experience in the kitchen, you are sure to be able to prepare some fabulous meals if you follow the suggestions in this article. You will find all sorts of ideas to inspire you to create terrific dining experiences. Let this article inspire your inner chef.
Keep a potato masher in your kitchen at all times. This useful device can be used to mash more than just your typical potatoes. Try mashing carrots, cauliflower, and other root vegetables. You can mix any of these in to your usual mashed potatoes to make them more vibrant, nutritious, and interesting.
Rising the dough requires patience and an optimal environment. Don't just leave the bowl with the dough where it's not in your way. Create the perfect conditions to get the best results. Find a place with constant, warmer temperature without draft. Constantly changing temperature and draft makes the dough rise slowly and unevenly.
Learn some proper knife-work techniques to make your time in the kitchen safer, more productive, and more enjoyable. Proper cutting techniques not only help to ensure safety in the kitchen, but food cut properly and uniformly looks better (which of course makes it tastes better!) and cooks more evenly. Stop cutting off your fingertips and burning half of the French fries with proper cutting skills!
If you are cooking for someone special, do not try a recipe that you have never tried before. Because you are trying to impress this person, you want to make sure you make a satisfying meal. Try something you are very familiar with, and make sure you have all the ingredients you need to make it.
It is important to know that the smaller the item, the longer it takes to cook. Many people think that smaller items do not take long to cook, therefore the item does not cook thoroughly. Usually, larger items do not take as long to cook and because people think they do, these items get burnt.
A well-stocked pantry is a cook's best friend! Never is that more true than when you are faced with unexpected company and you have nothing specifically planned to serve. Maintaining a pantry stocked with the basics gives you the flexibility to create easy meals at the last minute. For help in creating a great cook's pantry, think hard about the items you go back to again and again. You can also find great tips on items for the pantry in most good cookbooks and online at cooking sites.
When you are going to purchase beef, make sure that the package does not have too much liquid in it. An excessive amount of liquid may indicate that the beef was not stored properly or that it is no longer good. Make sure you always check the expiration date as well.
Make sure that you let cookies cool down completely - at least 15 minutes - before removing them from the cookie sheet. Otherwise, they are more likely to stick to the sheet and break apart. Also, by eating them while they are still hot, you could possibly burn your mouth.
Choose local seasonal ingredients as a showpiece for your dish when you are cooking on a budget. Ingredients that are in the peak of their season are also at the height of their flavor and affordability. The flavors from these peak ingredients will allow you to take an inexpensive item and turn it into a star.
Prepare the meal the night before to reduce any stress when you're going to have a complicated meal. Always look at the recipe and do the menial tasks such as chopping and measuring in advance. Verify that you have all ingredients. When it's time to cook, you won't have to think about anything else.
Use your hands to cook the perfect steak. Pressing the fleshy pad at the base of the thumb, when your hand is making an OK sign, will give the same resistance as steak will during cooking. Start with the index finger OK sign and the thumb base will resist at "rare" temperature. Moving towards the pinky you will register medium-rare with middle, medium with the ring finger and well-done with the pinky. Look for the resistance in your steak to match the resistance when pressing your hand.
When a sauce is too thick or too thin, it's useful to add either flour or water. Flour should be pre-mixed in a little bit of cold water to prevent it from clumping when you add it to a sauce. Water can just be added and stirred in. This is helpful when you want the consistency of your sauce to combine with your meal. Thicker sauces will tend to stick to noodles better than their watery counterparts.
Store your home-baked goodies and leftovers that need refrigeration in square or rectangular-shaped storage containers. Round containers are great, but take up precious refrigerator space while square and rectangular containers make the most of the limited shelf space. Rectangular storage containers also are easier to stack and store and save on space in your cupboards too.
When creating your next masterpiece in the kitchen, a good tip is to have all your ingredients in one place. You may want to even measure everything out ahead of time, and have all your utensils at hand, as well, so it isn't a mad dash from one part of the kitchen to another just to find something you need or forgot.
One of the first steps in becoming a better cook is to better understand cooking in general. The best way to do this is to simply think about your meals every time you eat in a restaurant. When you eat something you find tasty in a restaurant, think about why it tastes so good.
These ideas are a fantastic beginning to creating a variety of healthful and tasty dishes. Use them in your own cooking to give your family a special treat today. Allow yourself to be enthusiastic as you gain motivation to organize your kitchen and your cooking into a comfortable place where you serve delicious foods.
Have You Been Looking For Ways To Make Your Cooking Exciting?
Everyone has to eat, but recently it seems like it's harder and harder to find the time to head into the kitchen and cook a delicious, healthy meal from scratch. If you're finding yourself pressed for time, you can use the tips in this article to whip up some inexpensive meals that still taste great.
Preparation is a very important part of cooking. You want to make sure you have every item you might need. You also want to make sure you have all the supplies you might need. You don't want to be in the middle of a dish and find out you are missing something important.
When cooking a big meal, try to do your prep work the night before. This saves you time when you're getting things ready for your dinner the next day. Have everything washed, chopped, and ready to go. You'll thank yourself because there is less stress the night of the big meal.
Do not be afraid to experiment. There is no rule that says you need to follow a recipe exactly. If you do not care for an ingredient, leave it out. If you think a different ingredient would taste better, substitute it. If you think the dish is missing a little something, add it.
To reduce the fat and calories in a recipe that calls for a lot of mayonnaise, simply replace half the mayonnaise with sour cream. Since mayonnaise serves primarily a textural purpose in many of these recipes, replacing it with similarly textured sour cream gives you the same texture with a lighter, healthier taste.
When simmering or boiling vegetables, try adding chicken broth. By using chicken broth instead of water, you will add extra flavor to your vegetables. Chicken broth can be found at any grocery store, and is very low priced.
Plan your meals in advance. One of the biggest time wasters is engaging in the "what am I going to fix for dinner?" debate. Often, we could have dinner on the table by the time we fuss with examining the options. Over the weekend - or whenever your free time occurs - think through the upcoming week and loosely plan four or five meals you know your family will enjoy. This advance planning allows you the time to stock your fridge and pantry with the items you need.
Try drying your own tomatoes. Drying them is easy - simply cut Roma tomatoes in half, or cut larger tomatoes into 1/2 inch slices. Put the tomatoes, cut-side up, onto a cooling rack and give them a light salting. Put the rack on a baking sheet, and slow-bake in an oven that is set to 190 degrees for about 10 hours. You can store your dried tomatoes in a plastic bag in the freezer. Another way to preserve your dried tomatoes is in olive oil, with herbs for added flavor, in a glass jar. Put this jar in the fridge and use it up in two weeks time.
To make the perfect pasta, cook it one minute less than what you read on the box and cook it the rest of the way with the sauce you are serving with it. This ensures that you do not overcook the pasta if you were to toss it in with the sauce after you cooked the pasta until it was done in the pot of water.
Before grilling any foods, make sure your grill is clean. A dirty grill surface can cause many problems. Excessive smoking, soiling of flavors, potential for bacterial illness, not to mention being a fire risk, are all side effects of a filthy surface. Clean your grill with a wire brush often for best results.
Prepare ingredients for the week's dinners. One great way to get a jump on time is to plan your dinners for the week on Sunday. When you know what you will be fixing each night you can take some time to portion and precook some of your ingredients. Vegetables can also be chopped and stored in Tupperware which will easily keep until used later in the week. By utilizing weekend time, you can save a lot of time during the week.
Store herbs and spices in your cabinet or pantry if they offer a cool, dry area. Many people keep their spice rack out near the stove or on the wall over the stove. These locations offer too much light, humidity, and heat, which can deplete the flavor of the seasonings. Avoid these exposed areas, and look for an optimal location out of sight.
Adjust your baking time for smaller items. For example, if you are making mini cookies, crank the oven up to 500 degrees, and bake the cookies for only 4 or 5 minutes at the most. The end result is perfectly cooked, delicious cookies that will fly out of your cookie jar!
When a sauce is too thick or too thin, it's useful to add either flour or water. Flour should be pre-mixed in a little bit of cold water to prevent it from clumping when you add it to a sauce. Water can just be added and stirred in. This is helpful when you want the consistency of your sauce to combine with your meal. Thicker sauces will tend to stick to noodles better than their watery counterparts.
When it comes to cooking, be sure that you are not using ingredients that are obviously bad for your health or the health of others. This is important because your diet is one of the most important ways that you can help to control your own health and well being.
Cook up the whole bag of potatoes at once! Slice them in half and put them in the freezer! Whether you boil or bake them, you'll always be ready to thaw out potatoes to use for a hastily put together potato bar dinner, to use as ingredients for potato salad or any other dishes that use cooked potatoes.
Cooking may seem like a chore, but there's no reason you have to spend hours in the kitchen slaving over a hot stove to produce a delicious home-cooked meal. The tips you've read in this article will help you put a great-tasting meal on the table, in what seems like no time at all.
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